dinsdag 16 juni 2009


I've been tagged by http://closeoureyelids.blogspot.com/ , thanks!
The idea is that you write 20 facts about yourself that people don't really need to know.
Here are the 20 facts about me:
1. I have red hair and blue eyes.
2. My mom is also having red hair.
3. My second love besides fashion is music.
4. I'm playing guitar.
5. I've 3 brothers
6. I've more boyfriends than girlfriends.
7. People think I've much confidence because I don't care what people say about me
8. I'm never nervous for things like presentations.
Why would I be? They don't eat me!
9. I'm very down-to-earth.
Many girls are al always complaining about little things.
I think life is too short to do that.
10. I can walk well on heels.
11. I don't smoke and I don't like to drink alcohol.
12. Most of the days I'm searching at least a quarter to find
the right outfit.
13. I hate horror movies
14. I'm 16 years old.
15. I'm running the morning newspaper to get extra money on my bankingaccount
because my money is always mid-month gone.
16. I'm spending all my money on clothing, shoes and fashion magazines.
17. Don't wear much make-up. Only mascara.
18. I'm afraid of spiders and frogs.
19. After finishing school I want to go to a fashionschool.

3 opmerkingen:

  1. 15 komt me iets te bekent voor haha. Leuk dat je me getagged hebt!

  2. Leuk lijstje jij ook :D! Over fact 1.. hmm, dat had ik nou echt niet verwacht! ;) Ik ben er jaloers op dat je nooit zenuwachtig bent voor presentaties!

  3. Wauw, ik ben jaloers op fact 8. Zou willen dat ik dat ook had! Verder leuk lijstje! En je outfit ook hieronder :)
